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Welcome to PENNCLIQUE, our loyalty rewards program, specially curated to offer you exciting rewards and benefits with every purchase

Your membership grows with you—each purchase elevates you to higher tiers, which means you earn more points, which makes our bond even stronger. This is just our way of expressing our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support.
Levels Insider Pro Elite
Eligibility Up to Rs 50,000 over the last 12 months Rs 50,000 to Rs 1,00,000 over the last 12 months More than Rs 1,00,000 over the last 12 months
Redeeming time limit 12 months 12 months 12 months
Points rate 1 point for every Rs 100 spent 3 points for every Rs 100 spent 5 points for every Rs 100 spent
One-time welcome bonus 200 points 200 points 200 points
Redemption limit Up to 2000 points per invoice Up to 2000 points per invoice Up to 2000 points per invoice
How do I get in?
As soon as you complete your purchase, you become a member of PENNCLIQUE.
How do I climb up the levels?
With every purchase you make with us, your membership level automatically elevates depending on the eligibility criteria.
How can I redeem the points?
Log in to our website. At the checkout page, you can find the option redeeming your PENNCLIQUE points.
At our stores, reach out to our staff and they will guide you to redeem your PENNCLIQUE points.


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